Cristo (1977)
Title: Cristo
Release Date: 1977-08-30
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 64 minutes
Status: Released
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Watch Cristo full movie for free. Released in 1977, Cristo movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
All of history, that of Christ or any other, permeates the world, leaves its mark, modifying and informing history, and all that the human reproduces and creates. The best way for historical interpretation or literary adaptation is to move as far as possible from literal interpretation. That is, it is a contemporary and personal interpretation. The story of Christ is an archetypal story. It has modified and informed a morality and a vision of the human being in the West, it must be taken for what it is and what it has become: matter.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Cristo a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Gaël Badaud, Armando Galvis, Jeanine Domette, Michel Domette, Michel Nedjar, Teo Hernández, Arturo De Narvaez, Katerina Thomadaki, Elizabeth Lung, Michel Martinez, Monica Carpiaux, Gil Brazey, Francisco Castillo, Andy Sichel, Jakobois, Louis-Paul Tromelin, Joseph Morder
Teo Hernández, Michel Nedjar, Teo Hernández, Teo Hernández, Teo Hernández, Teo Hernández, Teo Hernández, Teo Hernández, Teo Hernández, Jakobois
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