Thirst (1949)


Title: Thirst

Release Date: 1949-10-17

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 83 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Thirst (1949) Full Movie Streaming


Watch Thirst full movie for free. Released in 1949, Thirst movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A needy couple in a bad marriage travel back to Stockholm after a trip to Italy. Meanwhile, a widow resists seductions from two different persons - her psychiatrist and a lesbian friend.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Thirst a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Eva Henning, Birger Malmsten, Birgit Tengroth, Hasse Ekman, Mimi Nelson, Bengt Eklund, Gaby Stenberg, Naima Wifstrand, Sven-Eric Gamble, Gunnar Nielsen, Estrid Hesse, Helge Hagerman, Calle Flygare, Monica Weinzierl, Else-Merete Heiberg, Verner Arpe, Sif Ruud, Gerhard Beyer, Herman Greid, Oscar Rosander, Laila Jokimo, Inga Norin-Welton, Öllegård Wellton, Ingeborg Bergius, Peter Winner, Britta Brunius, Inga-Lill Åhström, Ingmar Bergman, Erik Arrhenius, Carl Andersson


Ingmar Bergman, Herbert Grevenius, Birgit Tengroth, Helge Hagerman, Erik Nordgren, Oscar Rosander, Gunnar Fischer, Nils Svenwall, Gustav Halldin, Lennart Unnerstad, Louis Huch, Bengt Järnmark, Ellen Bergman, Ingegerd Ericsson, Alva Lundin, Eskil Eckert-Lundin

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