Shoot the Moon (1982)
Title: Shoot the Moon
Release Date: 1982-01-22
Genres: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 124 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Shoot the Moon (1982) Full Movie Streaming
There's one thing about marriage that hasn't changed... The way you hurt when it begins to fall apart.
Watch Shoot the Moon full movie for free. Released in 1982, Shoot the Moon movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $8,100,000 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
After fifteen years of marriage, an affluent couple divorce and take up with new partners.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Shoot the Moon a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Albert Finney, Diane Keaton, Karen Allen, Peter Weller, Dana Hill, Viveka Davis, Tracey Gold, Tina Yothers, George Murdock, O-Lan Jones, Irving Metzman, David Landsberg, Jeremy Schoenberg
Alan Parker, Bo Goldman, Leonard Green, Juliet Taylor, Kristi Zea, Edgar J. Scherick, Stuart Millar, Gerry Hambling, Geoffrey Kirkland, Michael Seresin, Alan Marshall, Gary Hymes, Ned Kopp, Nancy Giebink, Ray Greenfield, François Moullin, David MacMillan, John Stanier, Alice Tompkins, Judy Feil, Richard D. Sharp, Don Le Page, Martin Samuel, Paul LeBlanc
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