Workers Con (2017)

Workers Con

Title: Workers Con

Release Date: 2017-11-01

Genres: Documentary, Drama, Drama, Crime

Runtime: 98 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Workers Con (2017) Full Movie Streaming


Watch Workers Con full movie for free. Released in 2017, Workers Con movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Workers Compensation, is the Worker's Con, a process flawed, buried in bureaucracy, adding insult to injury.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Workers Con a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Julia Davis, BJ Davis, Alan Sagherian, Kurt LaJoie, Michael Burgis, Jerry Brown, Neil Schwartz, Dave Jones, Linda Morgan, Alan Hirsch, Christopher Jagard, Tom Rothman, Wayne Wilson, Paul Winchester, Corrine Spence, Vernon Steiner, Charles Russo, Sarah Pacini, Richard Montoni, John Miller, David J. Mastran, Lisa Liebson, Peter Hancock, Althea Garvey, Lily Engelberg, David Gregorie, Duncan Ireland-Crabtree, Micki Mills, Victorio Shaprio, Nancy Morgan, David Seymour, Christine Baker, David Adlestein, Robert Bush, Bruce Caswell, Joseph D. Chianese, Janel Clausen, Kim Card, Peter Dickinson, Eric Deutsch, David Downs, Lisa Holcomb, Chris Tomlinson, Joshua Szabo, Shahab Mahboubian, Lynn Davenport, Dianne Feinstein, William Mouradian, Ken Myers, Francis Stevens, Joseph Waxman, Charles Rondeau, Yvonne Hauscarriague, Kamala Harris, James Armstrong, Jay Carrado, Michael W. Fitzgerald, Mary Huckabaa, Bruce Broukhim, Nicholas Mercado, John Mahaffie, Ralph Nader, Arnold Schwarzenegger


Eva Choina, Raquel Diaz, Julia Davis, Lindsay Hudson, Gaylna Kovalska, Julia Davis, BJ Davis, Julia Davis, H.B. Davis, Michael Murphy, Michael Murphy, Julia Davis

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