Egg (2018)


Title: Egg

Release Date: 2018-06-10

Genres: Animation, Documentary, Drama

Runtime: 11 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Egg (2018) Full Movie Streaming


Watch Egg full movie for free. Released in 2018, Egg movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A woman is locked in her home with an egg, which she is both attracted to and scared of. She eats the egg, she repents. She kills it. She lets the egg die of hunger. EGG is a poetic short film based on a small yet significant moment of the director’s own life. It portrays a moment of shame, defeat and yet of victory.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Egg a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Marie Carmen Lindegaard


Pierre Baussaron, Martina Scarpelli, Martina Scarpelli, Annalea Hartelius, Laura Konradi Brodersen, Amos Cappuccio, Sofie Birch, Albane du Plessix, Marta Dziedzic, Sarah Rothenberger, Timon Chapelon, Maria Sandvig Nielsen, Martina Scarpelli, Joel Stenbäck, Lana Tankosa Nikolic, Emma Vasile, Martina Scarpelli, Emmanuel Lantam, Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, Martina Scarpelli

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short film