The Jericho Mile (1980)

The Jericho Mile

Title: The Jericho Mile

Release Date: 1980-10-31

Genres: Drama, TV Movie

Runtime: 97 minutes

Status: Released

Watch The Jericho Mile (1980) Full Movie Streaming


Behind the wall of this prison is a man traning to challenge the Olympic record..

Watch The Jericho Mile full movie for free. Released in 1980, The Jericho Mile movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A runner, serving a life sentence at Folsom Prison, works at becoming the world's fastest miler and wins a chance to compete for a spot on the Olympic team.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Jericho Mile a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Peter Strauss, Roger E. Mosley, Richard Lawson, Brian Dennehy, Geoffrey Lewis, Billy Green Bush, Ed Lauter, Beverly Todd, William Prince, Miguel PiƱero, Richard Moll, Edmund Penney, Burton Gilliam, Ji-Tu Cumbuka, Wilmore Thomas, Le Roy Haskins, Gaddis Franklin Jr., John E. Jackson, Robert L. Jones, Gilbert Tewksbury, Benny L. Rapisura, Eluterio Rodarte, Steven White, Jimmy Coppola, Terry Lee Dawson, Thomas K. Abihai, Marcus R. Colburn IV, Robert Edward Collins, Harold D. Kuykendall, Ed Morris, Joe Campoy


Michael Mann, Patrick J. Nolan, Michael Butler, Lou Frank, Ross Brown, Penelope L. Foster, Michael Hilkene, John S. Perry, Mary Meacham, James E. Webb, Garry Ulmer, Lynn A. Aber, Louis Niemeyer, Mark Southern, David Goldman, Ken Johnson, Frank Beetson, William M. Bell, Greg Walker, John R. Kittleson, Robert Hendricks, Hank McCann, David McCann, Willie Herron, Hank McCann, Patrick J. Nolan, Rexford L. Metz, Arthur Schmidt, Ross Brown, Michael Mann, Jimmie Haskell, Tim Zinnemann, Stephen Myles Berger, Del Acevedo, William K. Jolley

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prison, drug smuggling, sports, fistfight, revenge, murder, gang, racism, drugs, race