Torn Curtain (1966)

Torn Curtain

Title: Torn Curtain

Release Date: 1966-07-15

Genres: Thriller

Runtime: 127 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Torn Curtain (1966) Full Movie Streaming


It tears you apart with suspense!

Watch Torn Curtain full movie for free. Released in 1966, Torn Curtain movie was made with a budget of $3,000,000 and has earned $13,000,000 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

During the Cold War, an American scientist appears to defect to East Germany as part of a cloak and dagger mission to find the formula for a resin solution, but the plan goes awry when his fiancee, unaware of his motivation, follows him across the border.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Torn Curtain a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Paul Newman, Julie Andrews, Lila Kedrova, Hansjörg Felmy, Tamara Toumanova, Ludwig Donath, Wolfgang Kieling, Günter Strack, David Opatoshu, Gisela Fischer, Mort Mills, Carolyn Conwell, Arthur Gould-Porter, Gloria Govrin, Norbert Schiller, Leoda Richards, Frank Baker, Alfred Hitchcock, William Glover, Mischa Hausserman, Britt Semand, William Yetter Sr., Kaaren Verne, Paul Sorensen, Hedley Mattingly, Curt Lowens, Horst Ebersberg, Dick Cherney, Wilhelm von Homburg, Albert Szabo, Robert Boon


Alfred Hitchcock, John Addison, John F. Warren, Bud Hoffman, Alfred Hitchcock, Hal Saunders, William Russell, Waldon O. Watson, George Milo, Hein Heckroth, Frank Arrigo, Brian Moore, Donald A. Baer, Grady Hunt, Lois Thurman, Jack Barron, Lorraine Roberson, Edith Head, Jack Corrick, Leonard J. South

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cold war, east germany