South Terminal (2019)

South Terminal

Title: South Terminal

Release Date: 2019-11-20

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 96 minutes

Status: Released

Watch South Terminal (2019) Full Movie Streaming



Watch South Terminal full movie for free. Released in 2019, South Terminal movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

In a Mediterranean country plunging into armed conflict, a doctor tries to do his duty against all odds, until the day his destiny is turned upside down…

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made South Terminal a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.

South Terminal 2019 Trailers


Ramzy Bedia

Ramzy Bedia

Le docteur

Amel Brahim-Djelloul

Amel Brahim-Djelloul


Slimane Dazi

Slimane Dazi


Salim Ameur-Zaïmeche

Salim Ameur-Zaïmeche

Le chauffeur de bus

Nabil Djedouani

Nabil Djedouani

Le rédacteur en chef


Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche

Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche

Directing - Director

Camille Clément

Camille Clément

Camera - Director of Photography

Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche

Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche

Writing - Screenplay

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