Gaturro: The Movie (2010)
Title: Gaturro: The Movie
Release Date: 2010-07-07
Genres: Animation, Family, Comedy
Runtime: 86 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Gaturro: The Movie (2010) Full Movie Streaming
Watch Gaturro: The Movie full movie for free. Released in 2010, Gaturro: The Movie movie was made with a budget of $3,500,000 and has earned $2,900,000 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Gaturro wants to have Agatha's love and while he fights with his childhood archenemy Max, he learns to be a better cat for his love, his friends, his family and his 7 lives.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Gaturro: The Movie a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Mariano Chiesa, Agustina Gonzalez Cirulnik, Pablo Gandolfo, Leto Dugatkin, Gustavo Bonfigli, Valeria Gómez, Gustavo Dardés, Andrés Salas, Cristian Dzwonik
Gustavo Cova, Adriana Lorenzón, Belén Wedeltoft, José Luis Massa, Esteban Garrido, Valeria Gómez, Cristian Dzwonik, Mariano Podesta, Cristian Dzwonik, Cristian Dzwonik, Andrés Germán Fernandez, Cristian Dzwonik, Cristian Dzwonik, Fernando de Fuentes Sainz, Alejandro de Icaza, Leandro Inocencio, Jose C. Garcia de Letona, Eric Dounce, Esteban Espósito, P. Jayakumar, Federico San Millán, Nelson Luty, Eric Dounce, Gerardo Trigueros, María Inés Borgnino, Jorge Rausch, Gabriel Sabsay, Andrés Germán Fernandez, Alejandro de Icaza, Gustavo Desimone, Francisco Rizzi, Alejandro de Icaza, Mariano Sister, Carlos Cortés Navarrete, Eric Dounce, Bechen de Loredo, Cheery Thomas, Yadira Pascault Orozco, Jeronimo Gorraez, José E. Caldararo, Julio Andrés Bueno, Nikith, Leandro Loredo, Ricardo Castañeda, Alejandro de Icaza, Sergio Adrián Fernández, Vicente D'Elia, Shal Joseph, Gladys B. Esquivel, Sebastián Sonzogni, Enrique Greiner, Mauro E. Lopez, Anoop Kalpaka, Jorge Marinucci, Francisco Salazar, Lolo Micucci, R.K. Suchithan, Esteban Orlandi, Luis De Gennaro, Jonathan Monroig, David Vázquez, Eduardo Frigerio, Laura Rodríguez, Ruiz de Velasco Gonzalo, Haneesh Babu, Mukesh Jangir, Satyajit Ranaprathapan, Mariano Sister
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cat, animal as human