Worth (2021)


Title: Worth

Release Date: 2021-07-21

Genres: History, Drama

Runtime: 118 minutes

Status: Released

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Our national tragedy. Their personal suffering. His impossible task.

Watch Worth full movie for free. Released in 2021, Worth movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $106,645 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Kenneth Feinberg, a powerful D.C. lawyer appointed Special Master of the 9/11 Fund, fights off the cynicism, bureaucracy, and politics associated with administering government funds and, in doing so, discovers what life is worth.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Worth a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Michael Keaton, Amy Ryan, Stanley Tucci, Tate Donovan, Shunori Ramanathan, Talia Balsam, Laura Benanti, Chris Tardio, Ato Blankson-Wood, Carolyn Mignini, Victor Slezak, Logan Hart, Vihaan Samat, Laura Sohn, Marc Maron, Alfredo Narciso, Jason Kravits, Clifton Samuels, Louis Arcella, Melissa Miller, Ana Isabel Dow, Ian Blackman, Connie Ray, Steve Vinovich, Bill Winkler, Jeff Biehl, Stephanie Heitman, Deborah Hedwall, Tom Bruno, Bradford How, Chris Cardona, David Fierro, Lynne Wintersteller, Jon Wenc, Wass Stevens, Zuzanna Szadkowski, Gayle Rankin, Catherine Curtin, Shernita Anderson, Andy Schneeflock, Brandon Hernandez, E.R. Ruiz, David Edward Jackson, Johanna Day, Joseph Ragno, Panama Redd, Kay Walbye, Miriam Morales, Stephen Reich, James Ciccone, Anthoula Katsimatides, Jaime Verazin, Alessandra Marconi, Lindsey Hailes, Marc Heitzman, Jacob 'Seven Feet' Melvin, Jeffery Duffy, Billy Lefkowitz, Frank Anello


Tommaso Ortino, Kimberly Fox, Marc Butan, Ara Keshishian, Allen Liu, Sean Sorensen, Brad Dorros, Nik Bower, Anthony Katagas, Max Borenstein, Mirren Gordon-Crozier, Julia Bloch, Edward Fee, Kerry Barden, Pepe Avila del Pino, Deepak Nayar, Charles Miller, Nico Muhly, Michael Sugar, Paul Schnee, Michael Keaton, Charles Zambrano, Eran Dinur, Ivy Ermert, Diane Calfee, Olivia Peebles, Mary Aloe, Anthony Santos, Lindsey Lambert, Sarah Crofts, Kaitie Galligan, Mark Stuart, Bop Tweedie, James Stayne, Michael Egues, Dennis Voskov, Nathaniel Carota, Jillian Daidone, Amanda O'Reilly, Rupert Hollier, Talia Brody-Barre, Dann Fink, Alex Stevens, David Fish, Samantha Uber, Ben White, Ronen Gevint, Jason Velez, George Marro, Michael Maida, Sawyer Devuyst, Mary Caprari, Colby Smith, Erika Sanz Corbacho, Laura Pilloni, Catherine 'Annie' Eklund, Eric Jordan Nussbaum, Dan Grbic, Lindsey Lambert, Ian Schneider, Dillon Egyes, Dana Darby, Suzana Peric, Josh Perault, Sam Daley, Tariq Anwar, Caitlin Doukas, Jessica Drake, Gordon Holmes, Dillon Henry, Cenia Hampton, Brit Smith, Marilyn Majich, Bruce Winant, Tom Sexton, Carrie Wills, Rachel Goldman, Tommy Scoggins, Kiel Perez, Kevin Martin, Vince Cupone, Jeff Levy, Jesse L. Saviola, Kevin Leach, Alex Nelson, Sarah Guenther, Andrew Gritzke, Patrick Christensen, Matthew Richards, Tarik Morgan, Eddie Kelly, Michael Kellogg, Keith Anderson, Alex Carpenter, Leslie Bloome, Daniel Letizia, Monica Lek, John Oliveri, Hae Deun Woo, Nick Neary, Mark DeSimone, Rose Wartell, Brian Lannin, Chris Falkowski, Matt Triplett, Glenda Rosa, Laura Lerner, Namjin Heo, Sarah Graalman, Michael Infante, Adam Pescott, Joe Coppola, Joanna Fang, Duccio Fabbri, Kailyn Dabkowski, Carolina Acero, Christopher Jon Gombos, Leslie Shatz, Connor Nagy, Dimitri Kouri, Ryan Collison, Ken Goodstein, Charles Miller, Unggyu Choi, Bo Wangkeo, Dennis Polanco, Ben Zylberman, Josh Heilbronner, Samantha Drake, Leslie Shatz, Tara Bayat, Michael Zambrano, Hallie Coletta, Jonathan Jackson, Harry Cable, Anthony Pennachio, Kyle Casper, Scott Bowers, Mary Beth Minthorn, Max Borenstein, Sara Colangelo

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based on true story, 9/11, world trade center