Your Name is Justine (2005)
Title: Your Name is Justine
Release Date: 2005-08-30
Genres: Thriller
Runtime: 97 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Your Name is Justine (2005) Full Movie Streaming
Watch Your Name is Justine full movie for free. Released in 2005, Your Name is Justine movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
While living with her grandmother in Poland, a young woman falls in love. Her boyfriend is charming and suggests they travel around Europe and work here and there to pay for their trip. Unfortunately, the boyfriend isn't as he seems and the young woman is sold as a prostitute when they cross over to Germany. We follow her ordeal as she tries to free herself and stay sane as time goes by and her captors try to break and condition her to a new life of servitude.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Your Name is Justine a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Anna Cieślak, Rafał Maćkowiak, Arno Frisch, Jale Arıkan, Dominique Pinon, Mathieu Carrière, Małgorzata Buczkowska, Katarzyna Cygler, David Scheller, Maciej Kozłowski
Chris Burdza, Tomasz Kępski, Jarosław Żebrowski, Franco de Pena, Franco de Pena, Piotr Dzięcioł, Wioletta Gradkowska, Nikos Kypourgos, Arkadiusz Tomiak, Jarosław Kamiński, Anja Dihrberg, Iwona Wrońska, Christina Schaffer, Ulli Kremer, Monika Woźniak, Dariusz Zastróżny, Henryk Zastróżny, Marcin Rodak, Stephan Carpiaux, Ewa Puszczyńska, Carlo Thoss, Michał Kosterkiewicz, Piotr Knop, Łukasz Dzięcioł
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slavery, prostitution