Felix Austria (2020)

Felix Austria

Title: Felix Austria

Release Date: 2020-01-16

Genres: Romance, History

Runtime: 103 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Felix Austria (2020) Full Movie Streaming


Watch Felix Austria full movie for free. Released in 2020, Felix Austria movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $275,000 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

The plot revolves around the controversial relationship between maid Stefania Chornenko and blueblood Adelia Anger against the backdrop of the provincial Austro-Hungary in 1900. Both Stefania’s parents and Adelia’s mother died during the fire. Adelia’s father adopted neighbors’ orphan. Girls grew up together to become as close as sisters, though Stefania served as the maid. This attachment develops into love-trap: on one hand full of mutual manipulation and jealousy, but equally based on сare and devotion. The illusion of balance is broken when Adelia marries sculptor Petro. Everything gets even more complicated when Joseph, the old love interest of Stefa, returns to town as the priest and married man. Illusions are destined to evaporate and reality comes into focus.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Felix Austria a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Marianna Januszewicz, Alesya Romanova, Roman Lutskyi, Oleksandr Kobzar, Serhii Volosovets, Sebastian Cybulski, Maryna Koshkina, Ada Rohovtseva, Kateryna Kukhar, Nataliia Vasko, Irma Vitovska, Vazha Goderdzishvili, Yasin Faradzhallakh, Yevgen Yanovych, Olena Hall-Savalska, Fedir Rykov


Serhii Demydov, Oleksandr Suvorov, Viktor Onysko, Sofia Andrukhovych, Alina Semeryakova, Khrystyna Syvolap, Dmytro Vasylenko, Oleksii Lamakh, Oleksandr Batieniev

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