Tugboat Mickey (1940)

Tugboat Mickey

Title: Tugboat Mickey

Release Date: 1940-04-26

Genres: Animation, Comedy

Runtime: 7 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Tugboat Mickey (1940) Full Movie Streaming


Mickey captains a tugboat with Donald and Goofy as the crew.

Watch Tugboat Mickey full movie for free. Released in 1940, Tugboat Mickey movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Mickey is performing routine maintenance on his tugboat (with interference from a pelican) when a call comes on the radio that there's a sinking ship needing assistance. Sadly, Mickey's crew consists of Donald and Goofy, so getting underway to help is not easy. Goofy has to fight a boiler's door to get it stoked with coal (and when he succeeds, he overfills it) and Donald gets tangled up in the machinery. Not to mention that nobody casts off, so they drag half the dock along with them. The overworked boiler soon explodes.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Tugboat Mickey a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Walt Disney, Clarence Nash, Danny Webb


Tom Armstrong, Andy Engman, Walt Disney, Kenneth Muse, Cornett Wood, Clyde Geronimi, Rex Cox, Volus Jones, Grant Simmons, Lloyd Harting, Edwin Aardal, Johnny Cannon, Ed Love, Larry Clemmons, Jack King, Ken Peterson, Errol Gray, George Lowerre

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duck, shipwreck, mouse, radio, dog, pelican, cartoon mouse, tugboat, cartoon dog, cartoon duck, short film