Eva (1948)
Title: Eva
Release Date: 1948-12-26
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 97 minutes
Status: Released
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Watch Eva full movie for free. Released in 1948, Eva movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Marine Bo Fredriksson is travelling home on a leave. He reminisce about an accident he caused as a 12-year old which killed a young girl, an event that has made him feel revulsion for death. Back home he meets Eva, a girl he fancies and they move together to Stockholm to start a life together.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Eva a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Birger Malmsten, Eva Stiberg, Eva Dahlbeck, Åke Claesson, Wanda Rothgardt, Hilda Borgström, Stig Olin, Inga Landgré, Olof Sandborg, Carl Ström, Sture Ericson, Lasse Sarri, Anne Carlsson, Barbro Flodquist, Göthe Grefbo, John Harryson, Erland Josephson, Siv Thulin, Fylgia Zadig, Lennart Blomkvist, Hans Dahlin, David Erikson, Yvonne Eriksson, Hanny Schedin, Britt Ångström, Birger Åsander
Åke Dahlqvist, Oscar Rosander, Erik Nordgren, Gustaf Molander, Gustaf Molander, Ingmar Bergman, Ingmar Bergman, Erik Nordgren, Julius Jacobsen, Gustav Halldin, Eskil Eckert-Lundin, Hugo Bolander, Ragnar Frisk, Alva Lundin, Harald Molander, Harry Malmstedt, Hans Dahlin, Nils Svenwall, Louis Huch, Lennart Unnerstad, Harald Molander, Hugo Bolander
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based on short story