Gorilla Gang (1968)

Gorilla Gang

Title: Gorilla Gang

Release Date: 1968-09-01

Genres: Crime

Runtime: 96 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Gorilla Gang (1968) Full Movie Streaming


Were they men... Or monsters... Or both?

Watch Gorilla Gang full movie for free. Released in 1968, Gorilla Gang movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

When another dead elderly gentleman is fished out of the Thames, Inspector David Perkins is convinced that the gorilla gang is active again. On a doll found with the body, characters of an African language are discovered. Together with Sergeant Pepper and language specialist Susan MacPherson, the search for the head of the gang begins.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Gorilla Gang a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Horst Tappert, Uschi Glas, Uwe Friedrichsen, Hubert von Meyerinck, Herbert Fux, Inge Langen, Beate Hasenau, Albert Lieven, Ilse Pagé, Hilde Sessak, Ralf Schermuly, Maria Litto, Claus Holm, Ingrid Back, Franz-Otto Krüger, Eric Vaessen, Catana Cayetano, Erika Fuhrmann, Heidrun Hankammer, Käthe Jöken-König, Uschi Mood, Ingrid Steeger, Reinhold Timm, Alfred Vohrer, Georg Richard Wenkhaus, Bernd Wilczewski


Alfred Vohrer, Edgar Wallace, Walter Kutz, Charlotte Kersten, Horst Wendlandt, Ingrid Zoré, Willi Nixdorf, Herbert Kerz, Karl Löb, Jutta Hering, Wilhelm Vorwerg, Fritz Klotsch, Gerhard Müller, Michael Erdmann, Alfred Vohrer, Horst Wendlandt, Peter Thomas

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