Flatland (2007)
Title: Flatland
Release Date: 2007-01-14
Genres: Animation, Science Fiction
Runtime: 98 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Flatland (2007) Full Movie Streaming
A tale of math, physics, dimensionality, philosophy, religion, and war.
Watch Flatland full movie for free. Released in 2007, Flatland movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Flatland is a two-dimensional universe occupied by living geometric figures - squares, triangles, circles, etc. A Square, Attorney At Law, finds himself in the middle of two upheavals: the rise of martial law by the circular leadership of Flatland, and the arrival of A Sphere, CEO Of Messiah, Incorporated, a creature from a hitherto-unknown third dimensional world.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Flatland a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Ladd Ehlinger Jr., Greg Trent, Simon G. Hammond, Jeff Sanders, Chris Carter, Ashley Blackwell, Denise Carter, Juliana Carter, Mark Carter, Jacqueline Clift, Thomas Colby, Colin Duckworth, Catherine Ehlinger, Corin Ehlinger, Karen Ehlinger, Megan Ehlinger, Perrin Ehlinger, Oscar Gutierrez, Raven Hood, Michael Karle, James Lee Kelley, Chris Kolb, Lauren Meigs, Linda Meigs, Matthew Meigs, Lacon Mitchell, Jorge J. Raub, Jonathon Shoemaker, Sean C. Spurlock, Hal Stanford, Bill Wells
Ladd Ehlinger Jr., F.X. Vitolo, Ladd Ehlinger Jr., Karen Guelfo, Mark Slater, Tom Whalen, Edwin A. Abbott
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geometry, another dimension, triangle, multiple dimensions, cube, dimensional travel, sphere, other dimension