Zuzu Angel (2006)

Zuzu Angel

Title: Zuzu Angel

Release Date: 2006-08-04

Genres: Drama, History

Runtime: 108 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Zuzu Angel (2006) Full Movie Streaming


Watch Zuzu Angel full movie for free. Released in 2006, Zuzu Angel movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Covering the last years of the famous Brazilian fashion designer in her doomed quest for justice, Zuzu Angel follows the case of her activist son Stuart's arrest, torture, murder, and subsequent corpse disposal by the military forces in early 1970s Rio de Janeiro, during the darkest era of Brazilian military regime and media censorship.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Zuzu Angel a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Patricia Pillar, Daniel de Oliveira, Leandra Leal, Alexandre Borges, Luana Piovani, Aramis Trindade, Ângela Vieira, Flávio Bauraqui, Regiane Alves, Caio Junqueira, Nelson Dantas, Paulo Betti, Elke Maravilha, Othon Bastos, Antônio Pitanga, Fernanda de Freitas, Ângela Leal, Ivan Cândido


Sérgio Rezende, Marcos Bernstein, Sérgio Rezende, Marcelo Moraes, José Carlos de Oliveira, Heloisa Rezende, Mariza Leão, Marcos Flaksman, Daniel Flaksman, Maria Helena Gomes, Aloir Thomaz, Federico Farfán, Ana Chiarini, Marcio Camera, Cristóvão Bastos, Joaquim Vaz de Carvalho, Daniel Filho, Maritza Caneca, Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues, Maria Helena Gomes, Martín Macías Trujillo, Rodrigo Noronha, Marcos Flaksman, Florence Weyne Robert, Fernando Henna, Simone Alves, Claudia Cruz, Cris Azzi, Kika Lopes, Miriam Biderman, Mauricio Pascuet Pregnolatto, Pedro Farkas, Roberta Sá

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absurd, dramatic