Sidewalls (2011)


Title: Sidewalls

Release Date: 2011-06-01

Genres: Drama, Romance

Runtime: 94 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Sidewalls (2011) Full Movie Streaming


How do you find love when you don’t know where it is?

Watch Sidewalls full movie for free. Released in 2011, Sidewalls movie was made with a budget of $11,000,000 and has earned $2,140 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Martin is a neurotic web designer taking baby steps out of the isolation of his one-room apartment and his virtual reality. Mariana is an artist fresh out of a a long relationship. They are perfect for each other, live on the same street, in opposite buildings, but they never meet. Can the movement of a modern city of three million people bring them together?

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Sidewalls a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Pilar López de Ayala, Javier Drolas, Inés Efrón, Rafael Ferro, Jorge Ernesto Lanata, Carla Peterson, Adrián Navarro, Romina Paula, Alan Pauls, Miguel Dedovich, Miguel Ángel Álvarez, Martín Feldman, Lucas Issi, Alicia Mezza, Octavio Musaluppi


Gustavo Taretto, Luis Miñarro, Luis A. Sartor, Rosario Suárez, Gabriel Chwojnik, Gustavo Taretto, Catriel Vildosola, Romeo Fasce, Luciana Quartaruolo, Flavia Gaitán, Manuela Scheldbauer, Mariano Santilli, Bárbara Francisco, Fernando Brom, Silvana Savastano, Natacha Cervi, Christoph Friedel, Hernán Musaluppi, Pablo Mari, Leandro Martínez, Silvana Di Francesco, Silvana Savastano, Joanette Mallo, Fernando Blanc, Diego Mendizábal, Daniel Ciurleo, Santiago Fumagalli, Cristián Darío Pellegrini, Verónica Bruno, Valentin Cosentino, Agostina Benvenuti, Jorge Firdman, Daniel Prync, Valeria Perez Delgado, Flavia Martin, Anahí Molina, Patricia Bressa, Manuel Lorenzo, Bruno Carbonetto, Gustavo Chantada, Gabriel Quevedo, Leonardo Bargia, Fernando González, Miguel Rivarola, Marco Antonio Domínguez, Candela Rosito, Mariana Brizuela, Roberto Migone, Mario Faucher, Martín Piroyansky, Andrés Goldstein, Ana García Blaya, Clorindo Testa, Martín Rejtman, Paula Hernández, Viggo Mortensen

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