School Spirit (1985)

School Spirit

Title: School Spirit

Release Date: 1985-10-30

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 90 minutes

Status: Released

Watch School Spirit (1985) Full Movie Streaming


This is one ghost who should be busted

Watch School Spirit full movie for free. Released in 1985, School Spirit movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

The only thing keeping Billy Batson from the girl of his dreams is one little condom—or rather the lack of one. Lucky Billy finds one at an all-night roadhouse—but speeding back to his girl, he is killed in a head-on collision. Now invisible, Billy must find his sweetheart and rekindle her fire.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made School Spirit a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Tom Nolan, Elizabeth Foxx, Larry Linville, Roberta Collins, Brian Frishman, Deke Anderson, Michael Miller, Leslee Bremmer, Beach Dickerson, Liz Sheridan, Pamela Ward, Nick Segal, Toni Hudson, Marta Kober, Julie Gray, Becky LeBeau, Linda Carol, Lesley Kelly, Pillow, Danièle Arnaud, Diane Hoyes, Jay Scorpio, Marlene Janssen


Alan Holleb, Geoffrey Baere, Vijay Amritraj, Robert Ebinger, Jeff Begun, Tom Bruner, Sidney D. Balkin, Roger Corman, Geno Havens, Ashok Amritraj, Peter Knowlton, Ken Dalton, Chandru Manghnani, Sonya Sones

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condom, school, ghost, invisibility