Joe and the Sleeping Beauty (1973)

Joe and the Sleeping Beauty

Title: Joe and the Sleeping Beauty

Release Date: 1973-04-22

Genres: Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy, Music

Runtime: 60 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Joe and the Sleeping Beauty (1973) Full Movie Streaming


A Miracle of Enchantment !

Watch Joe and the Sleeping Beauty full movie for free. Released in 1973, Joe and the Sleeping Beauty movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

The Queen Bee, Honeyflower is placed under a spell by One Sting Maude, a witch from the tsetse family, jealous of the Queen Bee’s beauty. Bzz, the Bee-guide enlists the help of Joe to help save the Queen. He is given an injection to shrink him to the size of an insect and enters the parlor of the sleeping beauty, Honeyflower.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Joe and the Sleeping Beauty a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Linette Lemercier, Roger Carel, Christiane Legrand, Laurence Badie


France Image, Jean Image, Jean Image, Michel Emer, Per Olaf Csongovaï

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