The Lion from Estrela (1947)

The Lion from Estrela

Title: The Lion from Estrela

Release Date: 1947-11-21

Genres: Comedy, Romance

Runtime: 121 minutes

Status: Released

Watch The Lion from Estrela (1947) Full Movie Streaming


Watch The Lion from Estrela full movie for free. Released in 1947, The Lion from Estrela movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Anastácio lives in Lisbon and is fanatic for Sporting CP, one of the city's football teams. When the team travels to face Porto, he follows it with the family, staying in house of his friend, Mr. Barata, pretending to be rich.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Lion from Estrela a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


António Silva, Milú, Maria Eugénia, Erico Braga, Laura Alves, Curado Ribeiro, Artur Agostinho, Maria Olguim, Cremilda de Oliveira, Tony D'Algy, Óscar Acúrcio, João Calazans


Félix Bermudes, Ernesto Rodrigues, João Bastos, Arthur Duarte, João Silva, João Bastos, Manuel Guimarães, Raúl de Campos, Manuel Gaio, Maria da Graça Gameiro, Jaime Mendes, Regina Frois, Pierre Schild, Manuel Mourão, Aquilino Mendes, José María Sánchez, Carmen Sánchez, Amílcar de Oliveira, Augusto Camilo, António Martins, Fernando Fragoso, Manuel Vargas, António César dos Santos, Luís Emaús, Félix Bermudes, João Martins, Carlos Deus, Armando Malveira, Rodrigues Pinto, Sousa Santos, António Garcia, Ernesto Rodrigues

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sports, portugal, lisbon, portugal, marriage, rivalry, money, black and white, football (soccer), family, porto