CORONA.FILM - Prologue (2021)

CORONA.FILM - Prologue

Title: CORONA.FILM - Prologue

Release Date: 2021-03-23

Genres: Documentary

Runtime: 77 minutes

Status: Released

Watch CORONA.FILM - Prologue (2021) Full Movie Streaming


Questioning the Narrative

Watch CORONA.FILM - Prologue full movie for free. Released in 2021, CORONA.FILM - Prologue movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

As the first part of our investigation, the CORONA.FILM prologue will delve into the science behind the pandemic. Starting at the very beginning, we shine a light on the responses. The aim is not to point the finger; our aim is to tell the whole story in all its complexity, as we believe that justice cannot prevail if only one side of the story is told.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made CORONA.FILM - Prologue a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Viviane Fischer, Wolfgang Wodarg, Sucharit Bhakdi, Reiner Füllmich, Raphael Bonelli, Willem Engel, Steffen Rabe, Franz Allerberger, John Ioannidis, Roberta Caprini, Angelo Giupponi, Paola Bocci, Michele Usuelli, Paola Ferrari, Barbara Codalli, Marcello Crivellini, Antonia Fischer, Justus P. Hoffmann, Luca Speciani, Neil Ferguson, Harald Walach, Paul McKeigue, Martin Haditsch, Kary Mullis, Ulrike Kämmerer, Hubert Geue, Barbara Geue, René Schlott, Massimo Galli


Robert Cibis, Nathalie Signorini, Amy Meyer, Mike Fried, Robert Cibis, Patricia Marchart, Bert Ehgartner, Georg Sabransky, Bert Ehgartner, Robert Cibis, Robert Cibis, Markus Krohn, Bea Hertz, Ulrich Beck, Steve Kassel Smith, Viviane Fischer, Reiner Füllmich, Thomas Link, Nic Nagel, Jan Spelsberg, Willem Engel, Lars Engels, Hannes Hertz, Michael Hensel, Ting Ting Lau, Samuele Pellecchia, Meike Engels, Andreas Schär

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police brutality, politics, journalism, manipulation of the media, medical research, media manipulation, mass media, censorship, media coverage, protest march, virus, pandemic, influenza, vaccination, investigative journalism, corporate media, free speech, health documentary, media bias, crowdfunded film, covid-19, medical documentary