María Elena Walsh: Postal Detenida (2012)

María Elena Walsh: Postal Detenida

Title: María Elena Walsh: Postal Detenida

Release Date: 2012-08-09

Genres: Documentary

Runtime: 55 minutes

Status: Released

Watch María Elena Walsh: Postal Detenida (2012) Full Movie Streaming


Parte de la serie Memoria Iluminada

Watch María Elena Walsh: Postal Detenida full movie for free. Released in 2012, María Elena Walsh: Postal Detenida movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

María Elena Walsh forever revolutionized the language and imagination of children's shows. But very few know the importance of his works for adults, his political convictions against dictatorships and his defense of women's rights. Topics addressed by this work that covers the main conflicts experienced in his personal and professional life. From his adolescence as a precocious poet in an oppressive society, until his later years, after leaving the stage during the last Argentine military government.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made María Elena Walsh: Postal Detenida a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


María Elena Walsh, Sara Facio, Susana Rinaldi, Ingrid Pelicori, Sergio Pujol


Ernesto Ardito, Virna Molina

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