Soy un prófugo (1946)

Soy un prófugo

Title: Soy un prófugo

Release Date: 1946-03-11

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 95 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Soy un prófugo (1946) Full Movie Streaming


Watch Soy un prófugo full movie for free. Released in 1946, Soy un prófugo movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A janitor in a large bank is accused of pulling of a major heist. He is forced to become a fugitive while hunting for the real culprits.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Soy un prófugo a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Cantinflas, Daniel Herrera, Emilia Guiú, Agustín Isunza, Carmelita González, Rafael Alcayde, José Elías Moreno, Ángel T. Sala, Estanislao Schillinsky, Rafael Icardo, Roberto Corell, Rodolfo Acosta, Stephen Berne, Pedro Elviro, Chel López, Manuel Trejo Morales, Maria Luisa Cortés, Gloria Lozano, José Ortega, Edmundo Espino, Georgina González, José Muñoz, José Ortiz de Zárate, Roberto Y. Palacios, Humberto Rodríguez, Félix Samper


Miguel M. Delgado, Luis Abadié, Miguel M. Delgado, Jack Draper, Jaime Salvador, Gonzalo Curiel, Carlos Martel, Jorge Busto, Jesús González Gancy, Hans Wilhelm, Arnold Lipp, Manuel Fontanals, Alfonso Sánchez Tello

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police, bank robber, imprisonment, mistaken identity, jail, janitor, criminal organization