Tom Medina (2021)
Title: Tom Medina
Release Date: 2021-08-04
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 100 minutes
Status: Released
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Watch Tom Medina full movie for free. Released in 2021, Tom Medina movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Tom Medina is sent by a juvenile judge to the Camargue, to live with Ulysses, a kind-hearted man in tune with nature. Inhabited by visions, fascinated by bulls and horses, Tom learns the trade of a herdsman at Ulysses’ side. He no longer steals and now thirsts for knowledge and aspires to become someone else. Revolted by the hostility which does not change towards him, he fights against his destiny and crosses the road of Suzanne…
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Tom Medina a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
David Murgia, Slimane Dazi, Karoline Rose Sun, Suzanne Aubert, Morgan Deschamps, Clément Bouchet, Pietro Botte, Lyes Ouzeri, Romain Carbuccia, Chloé Catrin, Maëlys Rebuttini, Fleur Tognet, Bence Hortovanyi, Adrien Coché, Auguste Losada, Yves Lebas, Césaire Salomon, Tristan Espigue, Adam Samira, Manon Vidal, Luce Dejoie, Anaïs Durr, Manon Colomb de Daunant, Maryse Maurin, Philippe Reig
Tony Gatlif, Tony Gatlif, Delphine Mantoulet, Patrick Ghiringhelli, Valentin Dahmani, Monique Dartonne, Yov Moor, Adam Wolny, Dominique Gaborieau, Marc Rébuttini, Sylvain Mehez, Karoline Rose Sun, Delphine Mantoulet, Tony Gatlif, Manero, Tony Gatlif, Maya Kamila Hoffmann
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