The Substance (2024)

The Substance

Title: The Substance

Release Date: 2024-09-07

Genres: Horror, Science Fiction

Runtime: 141 minutes

Status: Released

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Watch The Substance full movie for free. Released in 2024, The Substance movie was made with a budget of $17,500,000 and has earned $76,506,196 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A fading celebrity decides to use a black market drug, a cell-replicating substance that temporarily creates a younger, better version of herself.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Substance a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Demi Moore, Margaret Qualley, Dennis Quaid, Edward Hamilton-Clark, Gore Abrams, Oscar Lesage, Christian Erickson, Robin Greer, Tom Morton, Hugo Diego Garcia, Daniel Knight, Jonathon Carley, Jiselle Henderkott, Akil Wingate, Vincent Colombe, Billy Bentley, Lennard Ridsdale, Jordan Ford Silver, Oscar Salem, Viviane Bossina, Matthew Luret, Jana Bittnerová, Olivier Raynal, Tiffany Hofstetter, Nicolas Royer, Nathan Rippy, Manon Arizmendi, Virginie Kotlinski, Brett Gillen, Charlotte Marquardt, Léa Hengl, Gaëlle Raymond, Claire Lemaire, Lila Boughoufala, Aurélien Lorgnier, Ivan Sellier, Philip Schurer, Christian Bourmier, Martin Graham, Christian Bordeleau, Patrick Hamel, Didier Dhondt, Jacques-Yves Dorges, Jean-Claude Matthey, Olivier Jarcin, Jean-Luc Magneron, Charlotte Murray, Aaron Kahn, Gabriela Arnon, Nancy Josephson Lahoussine, Andrew Eldridge, Denise Powers, Bryan Jones, Adam Carage, Maria McClurg, Andrew Desmond, Rebecca Lafont, Laura Puech, Ryan Chidester, Céline Vogt, Yannick Guérin, Jean Miel, Paul Descoings, Benoit Lévêque, Arthur Molinet, Manon Sachot, Bastien Jorelle, Kelly Hoarau, Michel Juskiewicz, Louise Greggory, Christophe Sartirano, Florent Torres, Romain Caldeira, Barthelemy Thomas, Axel Baille, Ashley Lambert, Ranjani Brow, Chase Fein, Shane Sweet, William Calvert, Michael Corbett, Stephen Apostolina, Yann Bean, Audjyan Alcide, Jonathan Jenvrin, Mimi Maury, Amelye Solange, Kévin Table, Laura Boera, Cissy Duc, Sophie Mercier, Marie Valton, Katrina Budzynski, Alicia Maury, Megane Adamik, Annalisa Pagnotta, Maelle Dantigny, Aleksandra Fontaine Kedzierska, Pauline Sagetat, Agustina Fitzsimons, Elena Shcheglova, Eve Marchant, Lola Donati, Kate Matthews, Ophélie Jonard, Pauline Richard, Laureen Cappelliez, Daria Panchenko, Delphine Beaulieu, Victoria Brun, Cara Chapman, Katharine Matthews, Alexandra Faget, Clémence Juville, Margot L'Entete, Hillary Sukhonos, Matthew Géczy, Namory Bakayoko, Gregory Defleur, Coralie Fargeat


Anne Juin, Erik Baiers, Matthieu de la Mortière, Stanislas Reydellet, Frédérique Arguello, Marie Bouvet, Jérôme Gaspard, Richard Martin, Cécilia Blom, Denise Boccacci, Bryan Jones, Frédéric Balmer, Andrea Leanza, Benjamin Kračun, Jérôme Eltabet, Sebastian Lochmann, Krystell Morantin, Arthur Delapierre, Laure Caniaux, Guillemette Buffet, Vianne Burquier, Steve de Rocco, Thomas Gros, William Renaud, Nadege Marti, Stephane Girondeaud, Chloè Acher, Marie Sergeant, Olivier Maurin, Edouard Alvernhe, Charles Droudun, Stella Libert, Ludovic Tobaldi, Noémie Lance, Fabien Pascal, Catherine Georges, Jonas Poignant, Eddy Trouillot, Camille Damag, Joffrey Darel, Lucile Perez, Marie-Sophie Daniel, Fabienne Menguy, Ahmed Chouikhi, Guillaume Lemerle, Nahi Margot, Katia Sourzac, Benjamin Bouygues-Faugeron, Jérémie Delaboudinière, Tanguy Goasguen, Gustin Guillaume, Olivier Sargatal, Céline Richard, Benjamin Colleye, Yann Festinger, Benjamin Durfort, Baptiste Bonin, Baptiste Herment, Baptiste Marnière, Christine Tamalet, Coralie Fargeat, Eric Fellner, Coralie Fargeat, Tim Bevan, Alexandra Loewy, Nicolas Royer, Raffertie, Oriane Cattiaux, Marison De, Sandrine Denis, Jean-Marc Benois, Louis Tellier, Honorine Sutter, Jean Miel, Benjamin Celliez, Elise Duvignau, Abraham Goldblat, Brian Kinney, Julia Besnier, Clément Audebrand, Stéphanie Guillon, Caroline Vlieghe, Pierre-Yves Frohard, Mateo Cejoco, Barthelemy Thomas, Amélie Meseguer, Mélissa Jacob, Marilyne Scarselli, Louis Lion, Olivier Afonso, Lucky Nguyen, Cynthia Scigliuto, Benoit Seiller, Coralie Fargeat, Téo L'Huillier, Dave Elsey, Louis Celnik, Lou Elsey, Bryony Rumble, Tiva Nagchin, Marion Didier, Guillaume Le Gouez, Christophe Arnaud, Isalys Gillet, Elsa Rolland, Elsa Manunta, Marianne Huet, Olaf Taittinger, Louis Auger, Chloé Zobel, Jacob Rogers, Jacques-Emmanuel Astor, Jimmy Zhao, Guillaume Baurez, Marjane Texier, Thomas Burgess, Christophe Riso, Guillaume Billy, Raphaëlle Beck, Steve Sebir, Aurélie Boutet, Pierre Olivier Persin, Pierre Olivier Persin, Marion De Villechabrolle, Valentin Féron, Stéphane Bécimol, Emmanuelle Youchnovski, Victor Praud, Valérie Deloof, Judah Getz, Patrick Christensen, Emmanuelle Villard, Olga Pasternak, Thomas Pichon, Stéphane Thiébaut, Anna Devillaire, Margaux Peyre, Antoine Swertvaegher, Grégory Vincent, Claire Bernengo, Valérie Deloof, Victor Fleurant, Lucien Richardson, Laure Cochener, Coralie Fargeat, Amélie Meseguer, Arnaud Denis, Gladys Garot, Julie Plumelle, Nathalie Vaïsse, Pierre Procoudine-Gorsky, Chevin Shafaghi, Serafin Bernfeld, Arthur Weiser, Alexandrine Mauvezin-Bosque

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