Otto - The Romance Film (1992)

Otto - The Romance Film

Title: Otto - The Romance Film

Release Date: 1992-07-30

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 87 minutes

Status: Released

Watch Otto - The Romance Film (1992) Full Movie Streaming


Watch Otto - The Romance Film full movie for free. Released in 1992, Otto - The Romance Film movie was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Cupid, the God of love, gets the order to unite two people. On Earth, Otto fails as a street musician because his guitar breaks. While buying a new string, his hand gets stuck in the purse of Tina, who works at the Dr. Bayerle beauty farm. When she enters the subway, the purse is teared off and Otto is hit by Cupid's arrow. Now he wants to give back her purse at the doctor's conference.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Otto - The Romance Film a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Otto Waalkes, Jessika Cardinahl, Peter Schiff, Lonny Kellner, Juraj Kukura, Ralf Wolter, Ruth-Maria Kubitschek, Ingolf Lück, Al Corley, Markus Majowski, Hans Paetsch, Klaus Meine, Kristen Reichert, Conny Bischoff, Lena Brand, Claudia Golombiewski, Constanze Harpen


Willy Egger, Horst Wendlandt, Otto Waalkes, Otto Waalkes, Okko Bekker, Lonzo Westphal, Wolfgang Treu, Annette Dorn, Bernd Eilert, Robert Gernhardt, Peter Knorr, Otto Waalkes

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